24 Stunden Notrufservice

24 Stunden Notrufservice

24 Stunden Notrufservice


All health insurance companies work with us. Come to our practice without any worries.

Don't worry

We generally cooperate with all international health insurance companies. No matter which doctor's surgery you visit abroad, you will be billed in advance. We also have to do this because the insurance companies do not allow it otherwise. You then submit your invoice and the doctor's report (detailed & according to German standards) to the insurance company. After approx. 1 week you will receive your money back.

AOK Versicherung
TK Versicherung

TK & AOK international cover?

Are you insured with Techniker Krankenkasse or AOK? The international cover provided by these health insurance companies reimburses 100% of our medical bills.

Maestro Gold Card

Golden credit card

Your bank's gold credit card includes a special service, as it usually automatically includes international health insurance that is settled with us. Pay your bill with your gold credit card and you will be reimbursed directly by your bank. In many cases, it will not even be charged.



Many people don't know that you are automatically insured abroad with your ADAC GOLD CARD. The ADAC also reimburses 100% of our medical bills.

DKV Versicherung
Axa Versicherung

Spanish private insurance